Dalbergia spinosa Roxb
Much branched shrub or small tree with
twining habitat, attaining a height upto 8 m
Tap root system developed but no aerial
Leaves compound, imparipinate, alternate,
2 woody spines at each node, upto 4 cm long, gradually tapering end
Leaflets upto 1 cm long and 0.4 cm broad
coriaceous, unicostate, reticulate venation.
Inflorescence raceme
Flower complete, bisexual, zygomorphic
Sepals 5, gamosepalous, 5 lobes above,
glabrous, green, fleshy, soft, vaxillary
Petals 5, polypetalous, inferior, white,
glabrous, herbaceous, standard 1, large, 0.25 cm long and 0.25 cm broad,
two wings, 0.25 cm long, two keels 0.25 cm long
Stamens 10 (9 + 1), diadelphous, filament
fused to form short column, anthers free
Carpels 2, syncarpous, ovary superior,
shuttle shaped, one chambered, two ovules in each chamber, marginal placentation
Style 1, terminal and stigma absent
Fruit pod, kidney shaped, flattened, 2.5
cm long and 1.7 cm broad. One margin is convex and other concave with mid-notched
Stiff, erect glabrous shrub
Branches short, ending in ahard spines
Leaves crowded from the nodes of the spinous
Rachis slender, rusty pubescent
Leaflets 7-11, firm oblong obtuse, glabrous,
petioles very short
Flowers long reniform, flat, glabrous,
Economic Importance : Fuel wood,
charcoal and timber